The China-UK University Counselling Association (CUUCA) Steering Committee Meeting was held on the central campus of Jilin University on Dec. 13th, 2019. Mr. Zhang Wenbin, Deputy Director General from Department of Moral Education of Chinese Ministry of Education, Professor Yang Zhenbin, President of CUUCA and Chair of the University Council, Jilin University, Professor Alan Percy, President of CUUCA and Head of Oxford University’s Counselling attended the meeting and delivered speeches.
Representatives of experts on mental health education from Chinese and British universities such as University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, King’s College London, Shanghai Psychological Counseling Association of Higher Education, Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Sun Yat-sen University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Fudan University and representatives from relevant departments of Jilin University attended the meeting.

Yang Zhenbin awarded those domestic and foreign experts the letters of appointment for the guidance of mental health education of students at Jilin University. The video of Jilin University Mental Health Education Documentary was shown at the Meeting. The participating experts made full discussions on various topics of the China-UK University Counselling Association.

On the morning of December 13th, the series lectures on China-UK university mental health education were held. Focusing on the topic “The Current Situation and Prospect of Mental Health Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Globalization”, Professor Alan Percy, Head of Counselling at the University of Oxford, Professor Géraldine Dufour, Head of Counselling at the University of Cambridge, Professor Stephanie Griffiths, Head of Counselling at King’s College London, and Professor Li Yan, Director of Psychological Development Guidance Center at Tsinghua University gave presentations entitled “The Psychological Counselling Service and the Professionalization of Psychological Counsellors in British Universities” “Models and experiences of psychological crisis prevention and intervention in British Universities” “Using Psychological Services to Create Successful Adaptation at University, with Special Consideration of Students with Undeclared and Declared Mental Health Issues” and “Chinese Characteristics of University Mental Health Education and Future Challenges”.