On the morning of December 18th, 2019, the Launching Ceremony of 2019 ASEAN-China Youth Winter Camp was held on the Central Campus of Jilin University. The Winter Camp was sponsored by ASEAN-China Center and organized by Jilin University. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre, Kong Roatlomang (from Cambodia), Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ASEAN-China Centre, Zhou Hui, Deputy Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ASEAN-China Centre, Bapak Yaya Sutarya, Education Attaché of the Embassy of Indonesia in China, U Soe Pyae Win, representative of the Myanmar Embassy in China; Li Jianhua, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Jilin Province, He Yingjie, Deputy Director of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Education Department of Jilin Province and Zhao Hongwei, Vice President of Jilin University attended the launching ceremony. 28 campers from 10 ASEAN countries, Japan, R.O.K and China’s Jilin University attended the Ceremony.

On behalf of Jilin University, Zhao Hongwei delivered a welcome speech. Chen Dehai and Bapak Yaya Sutarya also addressed on the ceremony. Im Chanreaks from Cambodia and Wang Wenxuan from Jilin University delivered speeches on behalf of campers from ASEAN countries and China respectively. Inchai Pimdarin from Thailand and Ta Quoc Khai from Vietnam received the camp flag from Zhao Hongwei and Chen Dehai.

The winter camp lasted for 6 days and 5 nights, offering activities of ice and snow, academic and cultural exchanges. Leveraging the academic advantages of Jilin University as well as the unique historical, cultural, natural and humanistic resources of Northeast China, the camp strengthened the ASEAN campers and JLU students’ mutual understanding and gave them chances to develop friendships. The camp also helped to bridge Jilin University and ASEAN universities for more cooperation.